Welcome to the Heights!

The mission of the Heights Neighborhood Association of Little Rock, Arkansas, founded in 2003, is to encourage a sense of community; promote safety; maintain the infrastructure network of roadways, sidewalks and drainage systems; protect and implement neighborhood parks; and support the Heights Business Association.

In what would become the Hillcrest and the Heights, tree-shaded streets are frequently lined with houses of similar age and architectural style—often Colonial or English Revival and Craftsman—but of varying sizes. In both the Heights and Hillcrest, apartment buildings, neighborhood stores, churches and schools were also welcomed.

Eventually the Heights and Hillcrest became two distinct but much-sought-after neighborhoods in which to live. Soon after the arrival of the streetcar in Pulaski Heights, the area proved a success—and its draw continues today.

Some say Hillcrest and the Heights are among the only real neighborhoods left in the area. Whether true or not, the area offers residents a small town feel in a big town setting.